Linux is an opensource operating system which was developed by Linus Torvalds and the best part of it is that you don't have to pay to use the operating system on your machine.You can make it or change it in the way you want your desktop to look no vendor locks or any restrictions.
But why one should use Linux ?
If you want to work on big projects or your system has low power hardware or you are a student and want to make your career in computers and software than you are the person who should you use Linux
Now a days most of the company would love to hire a man who have good knowledge of Linux and have good knowledge of CMI(command line interface ) as it boost your resume and even gives you and edge over any one.Most of the companies run their server on Linux because it is more reliable and can be configured in the way they want.
Top companies like AMAZON (AWS) , ORACLE , GOOGLE MICROSOFT AZURE also uses Linux because it's downtime if low when compared to any operating system.
Most of the supercomputers worldwide runs Linux .
So,that's enough to force you to use Linux or should have a good control over it's command line.
How should start to use Linux ?
Most Linux distros now come with a cool look and are easy to use,but if your little bit afraid about it you can dual-boot with your primary operating system maybe with Mac or Windows or just install

Some cool distros for beginners are:
Pop! OS link>>
Ubuntu link>>
Linux Mint link>>
Manjaro linux>>
Would to love to use Linux ?
Leave a comment which distro you will use..........
I would like to use pop os